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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get credit for EdReady?

EdReady is not a credit-bearing class.  It is a customized assessment and individualized learning path tool most appropriately used to assess understanding of a discrete set of math or English skills.  The system then allows each individual to address their deficiencies and work toward mastery of the material through custom delivered content. When used as a companion to an existing class, any credit tied to EdReady will be the choice of the individual school or teacher and not offered through EdReady Montana or the Montana Digital Academy.

How do we track students?

Reporting is available in several formats.  Graphic displays available inside facilitator accounts will show student progress, time in the system, test results, study time, last log-ins and a detailed breakdown of assessments completed during each session.  When looking at goal-level reports, facilitators will also be able to track individual student progress through the units and topics as they move from “not ready” to “mastered” in each topic area. Instructions for accessing the various reports can be found in the Teacher Tutorial.

Why should we use EdReady Montana instead of the public EdReady version?

The statewide EdReady Montana system allows schools to customize the scope of study, assessments and curricular resources used by their students as well as efficiently track and monitor/encourage student progress.  The public side will show progress for individuals but cannot be used to compile information efficiently for full classes or schools of students. Individual students who sign up through EdReady Montana also get goals customized to the unique needs of Montanans.

EdReady Montana is free now, what happens after the gifts run out?

During the first 8 years of the project; data, feedback, outcomes and comments will be collected on the math readiness programs and used to create a proposal for the future of EdReady Montana to adequately meet the demands of our state.  It is the vision of the MTDA and EdReady Montana team that it will be freely available to Montanans as long as it is part of our offerings.

What are the tech requirements for using EdReady Montana?

The NROC College Readiness System, called EdReady, is a cloud-based application that personalizes the pathways to college readiness via referral to appropriate digital resources. By default, users are directed to resource components of the NROC Developmental Math program, which are published in HTML5 and should work in essentially the same manner across all Internet-enabled devices. There are some resource collections in the EdReady content library which will not work on all device operating systems (especially iOS); in those cases, the incompatible resources will be excluded from the referral list for those students.

  • Important Note: As of September 24, 2017, Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 10 users is not supported (This combination of browser and OS causes issues for matching questions in EdReady).
  • Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 or higher (for Windows users) or Mac OS X v10.11 or v10.12 (for Mac users). iOS and mobile devices are supported.
  • Browser: Google Chrome, Safari 9.0 or later, Edge, Mozilla Firefox 50.0 or later, Internet Explorer 11.0**.
  • Internet Connection: A high-speed Internet connection, such as DSL or Cable Modem, is highly recommended.

Content Filtering: Visit NROC’s page on filtering guidelines.