Managing EdReady MT Enrollments and Student Accounts
Edited by Jason Leonard 406-203-1812 x202 Last Edit Date: 27 July 2015
Summary of Session:
The professional development offering Managing EdReady MT Enrollments and Student Accounts informs session attendees of the processes required for creation and management of student accounts. Once attendees have learned how to create student accounts they will engage in an exploration that includes: how to enroll students in the most effective goal, how to effectively communicate with students within the EdReady MT program, and how to use student account information to manage student progress.
Session Duration:
Managing EdReady MT Enrollments and Student Accounts will take approximately 30 – 45 minutes.
Session Objectives:
Upon completion of Managing EdReady MT Enrollments and Student Accounts, session attendees will understand:
- Basic use and navigation of the Genius SIS program.
- The data provided by the Genius SIS program.
- The information needed to create an EdReady MT account for a student.
- How to create a student account within Genius SIS.
- How to update account details and reset account passwords.
- How to determine the best goal and assessment for a student.
- How to enroll a student in a goal and assessment.
- How to utilize Genius SIS data to track and manage student progress.
Who should attend?
- School Enrollment Official
- Administrators
- Teachers
- Special Education Teachers
- Para-Professionals
- Tutors
- Any other position working with the students and monitoring their math progress.
Related resources:
Upon session registration you will be sent a confirmation email; this confirmation will include the date and time of your session and an attachment with session resources. Please follow the enclosed instructions for resources to ensure that session attendees will have the best learning experience possible.
If you have previously attended this session and would like additional copies of the resources, please email with the subject line “EdReady PD Resource Request” and an EdReady staff member will send them to you.