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NROC/EdReady End User Requirements

Updated: 1 May 2020

The NROC Personalized Learning System, called EdReady, is a cloud-based application that supports student readiness and progression in secondary, post-secondary, and related educational situations (including adult education and workforce development). EdReady diagnoses potential gaps in competency expectations and provides a personalized pathway to addressing those gaps via referral to appropriate digital resources. By default, users are directed to resource components of the NROC Developmental Math program, which are published in HTML5 and should work in essentially the same manner across all Internet-enabled devices. This default collection is comprehensive and sufficient on its own for most EdReady users. EdReady also hosts additional resource collections to broaden and deepen the learning opportunities for a diverse learner population, though some of the resource collections in the EdReady content library which will not work on all device operating systems (especially iOS); in those cases, the incompatible resources will be excluded from the referral list for those students.

  • Important Note: As of September 24, 2017, Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 10 users is not supported (This combination of browser and OS causes issues for matching questions in EdReady).
  • Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP (32 bit) or higher (for Windows users) or Mac OS X v10.6 or v10.7 (for Mac users). iOS devices (e.g., iPads) are supported as well, but not all content will be available.
  • Browser: Latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari are all tested regularly. We also test for backward compatibility for 1-2 years of prior versions.
  • Flash Player 10.1 or higher may be needed for some optional resource collections.
  • Internet Connection: A high-speed Internet connection is highly recommended.
  • Content Filtering: Visit NROC’s page on filtering guidelines.